Where did you ride your Cannondale today?


Well-Known Member
Those have been the first thing I remove on any bike. The it's a proper drive train tuning to make sure the low limit will never allow the chain to fall off the cassette.
absolutely! when the deraileur is correct adjusted, there is no need for the disc :)

I should get a picture of the gold plated one on my Black Lightning.
nothing wrong with some 'blingbling' on a bike^^ goldchain, gold disc... in @IdahoBrett 's thread i've posted a whole groupset by MAFAC out of 'gold' :D


Well-Known Member
Watch out for bats (& robins)!
Looks like great weather.
@letsbike you sure are quite the Joker

Great weather this week. It only broke 90 degrees (32C) one day.

I’ll add the dork disc to maintenance items to do list. I tried to get one last trip out of the headshock. I hadn’t rode it since last summer. The Headshock was a slow leaker then, but a fast leaker now. I bought the seal kit and tool last year but added too many bike projects. So it didn’t get an overhaul. The Prophet found a new owner just before the camping trip. Which made the F3 my primary MTN bike. With a flat Headshock I only did the one trail ride. The rest of the week was riding around the campground with my kiddos.

I ”need” to find me a rigid MTN bike for the family camping trips. A BotE would be my choice….


Well-Known Member
I ”need” to find me a rigid MTN bike for the family camping trips. A BotE would be my choice….
...or something to 'play' like this FAT CAAD^^


black lightning 1987

Staff member
absolutely! when the deraileur is correct adjusted, there is no need for the disc :)

It's possible to start a ride with everything in proper adjustment but it only takes a fall, a stick, or other contact to mess it up. The number of rear wheels that have come my way with chain gouged spokes back me up on this. Most of my bikes don't have discs but I leave them on the ones that do.


Well-Known Member
i can speak only from a roadbike perspective/experience and that happend usually not. with mtb and heavy offroad i can imagine that. to remove the plastic disc is maybe just an unwritten rule from the velominati-codex... xD

black lightning 1987

Staff member
I would guess that the majority of wheels that I have purchased that had spokes damaged by contact with the chain were road bike wheels. Damage was often hidden by the cassette or freewheel prior to purchase. Road bikes are not immune to improper adjustment, or things going awry during a ride.


Well-Known Member
I used my granny gear for the first time in two years to get to the top of the new parking garage to see the old parking lot being transformed into a city park.
(I've always loved the railroad track shots)


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Well-Known Member
Passenger and light freight. I often race the train as it's tracks run in a parallel direction to the main branch bikeway. I can usually win over a four mile stretch.


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Well-Known Member
Iron horse vs. Aluminum horse racecourse. :)

The trail actually crosses under the railroad in two places.


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black lightning 1987

Staff member
Too bad. It would be fun to get on the train at Monett and ride the bike back. Seems that the train only runs between Van Buren and Springdale though.

black lightning 1987

Staff member
Same here. Supposed to be mid to upper 90s today and super humid. I spent the morning picking up debris from last night's storm. Power has been off for about 12 hours so far. 3' diameter hackberry tree had the road blocked south of my house but a crew had it pretty well cleaned up by 10 AM.


Well-Known Member
A somewhat cooler day got me out to the Prairie Grove Civil War battlefield. I've been wanting to get a picture of the Cannondale leaning up against a Cannon for awhile. There are numerous battlefields in this area, so expect some similar pictures to be posted in the future.


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