Toe-in on brakes

I've installed new shoes on my Tandem's v-brakes but I'm getting some squealing. Normally I'd add some toe-in when I do the shoes but the videos I've seen don't mention anything about toe-in. Am I just old and missed something?



black lightning 1987

Staff member
Hard to say. You could try more toe in or perhaps less. How old are the pads? The outer surface might have hardened. Perhaps file or sand the pads and get down to a better layer.
The pads are brand new, just bought them. The old pads are rock hard, might even be original. The bike does not appear to have been ridden much. The seats are original and look new, but seem to be filled with cement.

A bit of toe-in seems to have done the trick. I would usually do the toe-in by default but was surprised the how-to video and article I checked did not mention toe-in.