RD issue or frame flex?


Well-Known Member
Looks great! I also like your new Avatar picture. I hope that the back feels better soon. I find bicycling soothes my back. That doesn't work however if your body's position on your bike is what's causing the problem. (Stem height or long reach for me)
I’m on day 10 of the “injury”. I had a couple of awkward, semi heavy tasks at work that week before the injury event that may have contributed. The day of the injury was ride three for the week at temperatures of 19-22 degrees F. I was wearing a new riding pants style that wasn’t adequately warm.

My finish line is my driveway where I usually attempt a strong sprint style finish. That day I stayed seated but still went for a 90%+ effort. I felt something not right but not immediately painful. As the day progressed I went downhill. By the time I got home from my afternoon shift I was hurting pretty bad.

My chirocracker said I essentially suffered a sprain of my SI (Sacroiliac joint), left side. It pinched or seriously irritated nerve(s). The front of my left thigh has been numb and a variety of painful sensations have been a constant companion. I’ve had 3 adjustments and muscle massages so far, with more to follow next week.

Ultimately I suffered a cold induced SI injury. I have experienced minor discomfort occasionally in my left hip area before on my R500. I tried setting it up as close to the batbike as I could, of which I’ve never felt any discomfort riding the bat bike. The saddles are different. Oddly enough the batbike saddle is narrower. The stem dimensions are not identical and would be hard to copy because of the different types. Bike fit is probably the issue that needs serious and immediate attention going forward.

I tried to make that as short as I could. Sorry it wasn’t. Hoping it’s detailed enough for anyone who reads this to comment with helpful suggestions for future riding. I’m still so new to this level of cycling. Thanks in advance.
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