Out of Commission for a While

Jon K.

Active Member
I think I'm developing a mental block about riding. After recovering for a couple of weeks after my last crash, I finally decided to go out for a short, easy ride Saturday afternoon. Wouldn't you know it, I fell off the bike *again*.

At least this time I wasn't going fast and didn't hit a railing. I Was trying to turn around on a narrow cycle path, got my right foot out of the pedal and started to ease out of the saddle, but toppled over to my left and landed on my hip and hand. The bike was fine, so after I gathered myself together, I rode very slowly home a couple of miles. My left arm and hip were aching, but I managed to sleep a little bit Saturday evening.

Sunday, I was feeling a bit worse, so I broke down and went to an urgent care. They did more x-rays and decided to put a splint on my left arm (elbow-to-fingertips) because they said there was a fracture in my radius just below the elbow. They also got me a referral to an orthopedist.

I saw the orthopedist on Thursday, and he said what happened was that I nearly dislocated my elbow, but he didn't see much of a fracture in the radius. He said no surgery or cast needed, but to wear a sling to help support the arm and to come back in five weeks for a follow-up.

My left hip and buttock look really bad - huge purple hematoma/road rash from the hip nearly up to the base of my spine. It is what hurts worst, and I am still limping as a result. I meant to ask for stronger pain-relievers, but he said Tylenol only.

Until I figure out what's causing me issues with the SPD pedals (I rode for several weeks without a problem, but now that I've crashed once, it seems that it is always in the back of my mind and causing me to make even more mistakes that cause falls), I guess the bike will go back on the wind trainer to lower the possibility of another fall.

black lightning 1987

Staff member
Sorry to hear this. I can relate to the bruising and soreness. I hit a raccoon and went over the bar, landing on my hip. I had bruising from kidney to navel, very ugly. The next time I hit one I got a concussion and broken collar bone. Are you having trouble unclipping? Have you played with release tension?


Well-Known Member
As we age we tend to make that the chief culprit in anything that goes wrong. I have ridden clear off the bike trail twice within the last year. Although the second incident I have decided is because I was more fixated on pretty girls than where I was going. Since then nothing.
Hope your wounds are quick to heal (something that also slows with age), and you are back on the saddle soon.


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Jon K.

Active Member
Sorry to hear this. I can relate to the bruising and soreness. I hit a raccoon and went over the bar, landing on my hip. I had bruising from kidney to navel, very ugly. The next time I hit one I got a concussion and broken collar bone. Are you having trouble unclipping? Have you played with release tension?

I thought I'd adjusted the tension as low as it would go, but I did have the bike into the shop to get the stuff corrected after the first crash into the fence. They shouldn't have changed that, but who knows? I'll double-check.

I'm healing slowly. Most of the bruising and hematoma/road rash are gone, but my arm is still aching. I see the orthopedist again on July 9th, so I'll ask about the pain and see if they can do an ultrasound or MRI or something to see if there's muscle damage. My left arm still feels kind of weak sometimes.

Jon K.

Active Member
Finally! Six weeks later, I have a clean(ish) bill of health. Saw the orthopedist yesterday, and he says I'm healing fine. He showed me the x-rays they did yesterday, and you can see a fracture (non-displaced) of the head of the radius in my left forearm. He says that it is calcifying well and that my bone density looks good "for my age."

In other news, I did take the bike in to get the Inni headset adapter installed, and picked it up this afternoon. Pictures in the gallery.