Cannondale Reproduction Decal Source


Good morning! I have a 2002 Cannondale Jekyll 3000 Good Boy with the raw aluminum frame with silver two-tone decals that are peeling off in places. I want to re-polish the frame and replace the decals. I reached out to Cannondale but have not heard back yet. I have had to replace the decals on 2 of my Litespeed bicycles in the past and they sold them to me directly as sets. Does anyone know of a source to get a replacement decal set for my bike.

Any help would be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
found something on ebay.

i'd ask him if he can provide jekyll3000-decals on request too.

but the guy is from hungary^^ but has a lot of different cannondale decals...

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-06-05 22-18-00.png

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-06-05 22-26-11.png
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Staff member
Decals is a tough one. I made decals for over 10 years. I made them the old school way.... silk screen. This way the cost is higher but it is correct. These days everything is digital. They do not stand up as well to elements, and the quality is a risk. There are tons on ebay. Most are printed this way. I have used this guy in the UK. His are digital but a very good quality: