I came across a Craigslist ST500. Not beat by any means, but a little rough in the paint department. All original except for pedals and the rear mech. Missing the reflectors. It's red, which in this case is more like burgundy, maroon.
Going to disassemble it and refurbish it this winter. I'll add some clip ins, get some wider bars (the original brand is available in wider sizes) and may add some other small incidentals.
Looks like the hardest thing to source at the moment is proper 27" gum wall tires at a reasonable price. I am not paying 37.00 for Panaracers.
This bike is going to get used relatively seldom and almost never for fitness. For the most part I plan to make it my fishing rig and haul my Kayak behind it. (Anyone have a line on a Bugger?)
Sounds inglorious, but you should see where I kayak. Some decent tourer tires in gumwall would be nice as they will be negotiating crushed limestone/pea gravel.
Lovely bike. Already really like it. At 24 pounds it is already much lighter than many of the alternatives. Pictures forthcoming.
Going to disassemble it and refurbish it this winter. I'll add some clip ins, get some wider bars (the original brand is available in wider sizes) and may add some other small incidentals.
Looks like the hardest thing to source at the moment is proper 27" gum wall tires at a reasonable price. I am not paying 37.00 for Panaracers.
This bike is going to get used relatively seldom and almost never for fitness. For the most part I plan to make it my fishing rig and haul my Kayak behind it. (Anyone have a line on a Bugger?)
Sounds inglorious, but you should see where I kayak. Some decent tourer tires in gumwall would be nice as they will be negotiating crushed limestone/pea gravel.
Lovely bike. Already really like it. At 24 pounds it is already much lighter than many of the alternatives. Pictures forthcoming.