Search results

  1. Jon K.

    Threadless stem adaptor/conversion - opinions?

    I took some pictures of the adapter this evening. My hands are pretty shaky sometimes, so I was only able to get a couple sharp pictures. The Adapter in the middle, of course, the crown race and lower bearing cup and cartridge bearing on the left, upper cup and bearing on the right. The other...
  2. Jon K.

    Threadless stem adaptor/conversion - opinions?

    One step closer. The Innicycle threadless headset conversion arrived today. It's beautiful bit of engineering. Smaller than I thought, but sturdily-built and not too heavy. I decided not to pull the trigger on the Multisport 800. Turns out it's not a 56, its listed as a 54/55, so I don't know...
  3. Jon K.

    SOLD 1999 Cannondale F900 M Frame/Fork

    I wish. Like many, I have more projects than I have motivation at the moment. Life is like that....
  4. Jon K.

    Threadless stem adaptor/conversion - opinions?

    While I was dropping off the R600 to the LBS for a checkover after the contretemps of earlier in the week, I talked to the employee who did my fitting last year and mentioned the Innicycle headset/adapter. He looked at it on the web, viewed the installation video, and seemed to be impressed...
  5. Jon K.

    Threadless stem adaptor/conversion - opinions?

    Well, after the crash, I'm going to have to have the LBS assess the bike before I invest money in the innicycle conversion (or anything else). To my unpracticed eye, the frame and folk look okay, but both brakes were rubbing, the left brifter was all knocked askew, and the stem extension and...
  6. Jon K.

    Where did you ride your Cannondale today?

    No, luckily I was closer. I guess it was only a mile or so home from where I dumped the bike. I wish I could make a custom map to show the route, but that involves a lot of work. North of 129th Street, there's a business complex-like thing where businesses can rent space - exercise, auto...
  7. Jon K.

    Where did you ride your Cannondale today?

    Oh, boy. When I said I'd get some pictures of my ride along Fry Ditch Trail, I didn't think it would end like it did. I was out for about an hour and 15 minutes, riding fairly slowly and stopping to take pictures. 14.3 miles in, I camer around a descending turn on the trail and a runner popped...
  8. Jon K.

    Threadless stem adaptor/conversion - opinions?

    It's more a worry about the stability of the adapter than the sizing of the bike. I'm all weirdly-proportioned (very long torso, very short legs - 5' 10"/1.78m tall, but only a 30"/76.2cm inseam), so when I got the 'dale, the shop owner suggested a 56cm with a 120mm stem extension. At that time...
  9. Jon K.

    Threadless stem adaptor/conversion - opinions?

    Hi! Bike fitter I went to last year suggested a few things to improve my bike fit. Some things he did, like adjusting my saddle down and forward a bit. He also made some suggestions for things that could be improved. Since I'm an older guy and not so flexible now, he thinks I should be sitting...
  10. Jon K.

    Where did you ride your Cannondale today?

    Now that the weather's sort of improved here (can never escape the wind in OOO-oklahoma), I've finally gotten the R600 outside. Mostly along the local paved cycling/walking trail near the house, so not as scenic as the Oregon Trail or the Lippetal, but it feels good to be outside. I'll try to...
  11. Jon K.

    Finding the Right Red

    Hence why I didn't try to do a complete restore on my 1996 R600. That Team Timex purple-to-black fade would be a bear to reproduce. Possible, but a pro would have to do it and it would be hideously expensive (based on my experience getting a car painted).
  12. Jon K.

    Hello from ohio

    Hi! Welcome to the site! Ex-Ohioan here. Born in Newark, bounced around the state until high school, then moved elsewhere when Dad was job-hunting.
  13. Jon K.

    Cannondale Road Bike, Craigslist Tulsa The post says it's a 1998 bike, but it's got the 2000+-style headtube decal. A little research tells me that it's a 2000 R1000 in the "USA Fade" paint scheme. The bike does have some changes - at the least, the headset's a Cane Creek, not the OEM...
  14. Jon K.

    They're coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden! - Craigslist Tulsa

    Wow, something's in the air - Cannondales are showing up on Craigslist Tulsa in herds, droves, whatever... These...
  15. Jon K.

    F1000 - Craigslist Tulsa

    I'm tempted, but as I've said elsewhere, my money needs to go for slightly more important things than a second bicycle...
  16. Jon K.

    Another Cannondale on Craigslist Tulsa Another Cannondale MTB, this one more recent than the F1000. I can't see well enough to tell what model it is; kinda looks like M400 or something. $400 seems a bit high for what would be a mid-line bike, especially a...
  17. Jon K.

    F1000 - Craigslist Tulsa

    Just spotted this on Craigslist here in Tulsa - Mid-90s F1000, size small, package includes original wheelset, an extra stem, and bar ends. Seems to be a resonable deal, barring any terrible secrets.
  18. Jon K.

    R600 Revisited

    I did decide to go with SPD pedals and shoes for the walkability. I picked up a well-worn, well-used set of Shimano PD-M520s locally for a song (and the seller even threw in two water bottle cages), and found a little-worn pair of RT32 Shimano touring shoes in my size on eBay. Installed the...
  19. Jon K.

    R600 Revisited

    Well, I looked more closely at the fork, and it might well be composite. I can't see any joins at the dropouts, but there is a visible/tactile groove/line just below the crown on the fork legs. I don't know if they would glue an AL fork, since they weld other tubes, so I'm thinking that the...
  20. Jon K.

    R600 Revisited

    I'm sure the dealer had to order it - it was a small-town shop, so not huge amounts of inventory. I tapped on the fork arms gently with a screwdriver, and they don't have a "ting" sound like you'd think an alloy/steel fork would have (at least, it doesn't sound like the frame tubes do when...