Canadian newbie


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone from Vancouver Canada!

I got into Cannondales back in 1991 when I saw an ad for the "new" rear suspension EST. I finally got a Killer V 900 in 1994 and did some amateur racing with it during the 1995 and 1996 seasons (back in Montreal, Canada). I wasn't very successful, but still rode it around everywhere. I brought the bike with me when I moved to Vancouver and still have it to this day.

I haven't ridden it in a while, but I've been inspired to bring it back to life and start riding it again.

I only got back into cycling again starting last year, when I attended the United Bicycle Institute's titanium frame building course and built myself an old-school road bike. Now, I'm keen on going offroading again with my Killer V... And maybe more!