I bought this bike cheap from a seller on eBay. The bike was in bad shape, although the seller told me that he had put some effort into it.
The frame was 90% sanded down, showing some black paint with CAAD3 decals on it.
Parts were mix bag of Devore and Altus. One wheel and the seat post were...
Hello, I have a Cannondale with serial number 16110486092. Based on information found on his site the head badge indicates it was built between 1983-1989. I acquired this bike in approximately 1992 and the bike was in new condition. When I purchased the bike i was told it may be a concept...
Looking to sell a gorgeous 1986 SR800 (coral, 58cm). I absolutely adore the bike - it was gifted to me by a friend when he moved out of town since I was constantly commenting on it. Sadly he is taller than I am and the bike is not a good fit for me. I've done some research to figure out vintage...
I have 5 Cannondale Headshok stems up for sale. See photos for length and angle - all are 25.4 mm handlebar clamp diameter and Cannondale Headshok specific 1.5625" steerer tube diameter.
The top 3 in the first photo are older and the bottom 2 are relatively new (purchased in 2018). The bare...
The bastard love child of a Quadangle and a pogo stick, resurrecting 1994 Cannondale Delta V MTB as a singlespeed cyclocross train wreck. Full article link in bio, check it.