Search results

  1. Jon Possom

    brake bosses for 1993 M400

    Need a set of brake bosses I have paypal
  2. Jon Possom

    Had it since 99' never had paint need help on ID PLEASE

    Mostly need help because I've misplaced the hanger over the course of 10 moves. I got it out in SF on 1999 and its always been a really fun single speed kinda like a big BMX ride. Anyway would be nice to know the model so I can have an idea of original paint and just what it started life as...
  3. Jon Possom

    Service guide for Lefty DLR first Gen.

    Looking for service guide, and advice for sticky fork. THX :)
  4. Jon Possom

    Help with frame size

    I've checked out the serial number info but still cant figure out if the frame size is stated within the serial number. Any help would be great THX LA 10180 476792 OFME4GMD
  5. Jon Possom

    Front wheel replacement

    I have a 2000 DLR Lefty and would like to know if a 2003 SI lefty hub is compatible with the 2000 Dlr Fork. Thank You
  6. Jon Possom

    Cannondale F2000 SX year 2000 in fair condition

    Picked up for 150, on FB marketplace. The images were pretty bad when I was reviewing the listing. Drove 30 minutes to the sellers house and with the Coda brakes needing bled, paint very rough all around the rear triangle two flat tires and the shifting being non functional talked the seller...